Your Momma would be so proud of you sweet baby girl. Happy 2nd Birthday Lyla!!!!- I am sure today she would have been baking cupcakes and getting a huge party ready for you. She LOVED you so much and it hurts to know that you will not know your beautiful Momma. This is the last picture you took with her on Mother's day. She was always bragging about your growth and development ever since the day you were born. She loved you more than anything in the world -I know this because she told me when you all came to visit us in March.
I will do my best to show you the love that your Mom would have given you. I am thankful you are with your Neena who loves you so much-you may not know this but you are such a huge blessing to your Neena. We don't know what we would be doing without you sweet girl. I know that she and Aunt Tara will give you the best Birthday party this year. I so wish we could make it to see you on this special day. I write this post in hopes one day you will look through this blog and see how much your Momma loved you and how much we miss her.
As I fight tears to write this I remember the last thing she said to me ..."No one LOVES me like you do Michaela" and I said to her "I know"- I wish I would have said more to her that day, I wish I would have talked to her on Mother's day to give her encouragement for the future, but I am so thankful that is the last thing she said to me.
I miss her everyday and it hurts me to know she will not be there with you today but she is watching over you always sweet one. Happy Birthday to my Lyla Bear ~~ we love and miss you.