We went for our 4 month check up and got 3 shots ugh! He took his shots pretty well he just wimpered quietly. I guess his legs are so chunky that helped. Logan is 18 pounds and 26 inches long! He feels much heavier than that carrying him in his car seat.
Your poor arms! You should know you are getting a great workout carrying him! I think the most one of my kids weighed at a year was 20 lbs! He is just adorable and so good natured not to fuss much when he got his injections!
he is just too cute for words. I love this chunky monkey!
Yeah for Logan, I am so glad he didn't feel bad after those mean shots...what a tough little guy he is! He is the cutest chunky monkey ever!,
Your poor arms! You should know you are getting a great workout carrying him! I think the most one of my kids weighed at a year was 20 lbs! He is just adorable and so good natured not to fuss much when he got his injections!
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