Friday, June 8, 2007

Violet's crib and random stuff

Here are pictures of Violet's crib and bedding. the bedding arrived on Wednesday and it couldn't be more perfect. It is so beautiful.

This is a picture of her bedding with her ugly dolls. Aren't they great!!!!!

What I love most about the bedding is that it has the exact same colors as old school Strawberry Shortcake. That was not planned -seriously! But I think my fascination with Strawberry Shortcake has secretly seeped into my subconscious.

This is the bedding with the little quilt that Aunt Janice made for Violet out of the fabric from my baby bedding. I love it! It looks so great with the bedding. I don't think it could be more perfect.

Also, here is a picture of the side of the box Aunt Janice beautifully made to carry Violet's gifts in. I am going to keep it forever. It is the most wonderful thing.

Here are some other random pictures: one of the candy bars my friend made for my shower and the other of Eric and one of our beautiful doggies whose name is Panda. I just had to post that picture. It was too cute.


Michaela said...

I love the bedding and the crib is so cute :)I need to buy that baby some cute girl dolls not ugly ones teehee!!

Mom said...

I love Violet's Room. It is just wonderful and is just perfect! I can't wait to see it with cute little Violet in it! That girl will need a Cabbage Patch Doll! I love all the photos!

Molly said...

The bedding is beautiful! I love those ugly you have a pattern for them? I have all of my old Strawberry shortcake dolls. Somehow, I don't think Mac is going to like them as much as I did!

Tara said...

Molly, I don't have a pattern for the ugly dolls - they are store bought and a little pricey, but I think they are well worth the money. Here is the website if you are interested in getting some for Mac:

Maura said...

the bedding looks so good. I love those flowers. AND I LOVE the wall color!

Bridget said...

Love it, love it!!! What a sweet nursery! I love those candy bar wrappers, too!