We are drinking lots of fluids! Logan grabbed my ice water and had a drink he loved it!! He still hasn't been sleeping very well at all! NO NAPS during the day ugh! He is exhausted and so am I :(!! But I think we are getting better!
sisters and our babies
Glad to hear that you and Logan are feeling better. Look at him! He is just growing like a weed :)
Not to freak you out, but try not to give Logan very much water. We've had a couple of babies in the ICU this year with seizures from drinking water. Extra water drops babies' sodium levels in their blood really fast, which can cause neurologic problems. It's not such a big deal in babies Logan's age, but it is a big problem in kids under a couple of months. If you are going to give him clear liquids, it is probably better to give him pedialyte, because that has the same amount of sodium in it as blood, so it won't cause any electrolyte problems. (By the way, I didn't know any of this until this year - before then, I wouldn't have thought water would have hurt anybody!) I'm glad you guys are starting to feel better!
Ok Emily good to know!! You have officially freaked me out!!!!I am glad you are a Dr to tell me the these things!!
no naps sucks! Mac hasn't been sleeping well either! I feel your pain!
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