Thursday, April 30, 2009


I love this picture!! It was such a sweet moment to have my baby fall asleep in my Dad's arms. Do to technical difficulties I have lost most of my photos. But seeing these makes me happy :)
It was a good visit Dad - the older boys can't wait for their summer visit and a ride in that sweet Mustang!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Thank you

Sharing the ducky tub! Lyla and Violet are too funny!

Thank  you Aunt Kayla for the cutest hats in the whole world!  We love you.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Logan and Braden were KUNG FU fighting along with Kung Fu Panda! It was so cute to watch them laugh, dance and bounce. Gregg was joining in the fun as well you can see him in the background! We didn't actually watch the movie we were just listening to the music video :)

Thanks Mom for the movie :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

on the way--TODAY

I loved making these for 2 sweet TULSA girls. I find myself buying or making them the same things in different colors. Pink is for Lyla and the purple one is for Violet. Sorry Violet you will forever get purple things from your Auntie M :)

I hope they fit and I really hope they don't come unraveled. I always worry about not tying the knots well enough.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Birthday smash

Yesterday was Gregg's Birthday! I spent all day in the kitchen preparing his favorite cherry pie. Even at our wedding he requested cherry pie instead of groom's cake. I also baked a cake for the kids and friends coming over, this would leave most the pie for Gregg.

Shortly after I took these pictures Logan quietly went into the kitchen and dropped the cherry pie on the floor!! We saved some of it, luckily I had just mopped earlier in the day. He is having cherry pie with no top crust :( HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Here is a recent close-up of Violet that Julianna took. She is in town this week. She came to school with me yesterday morning and got to see where I worked. Here is a picture of me in front of my school. Poor Violet has been pretty sick. We are taking her to the doctor this morning. Sick baby makes me sad.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

new growth, new cut

these 2 boys like to pose the same way when I pull out the camera

I am thrilled to see my teenagers EYES!!! I think he looks sooo handsome :)

Thank you Zachary!

My seeds have grown :) the parsley, cilantro and wild flowers have grown large enough to put into my planter. the other herbs I have are not quite as big.

Logan loves to help mommy dig in the dirt- for now he has his own special planter.

Max is not included in tonight's photo shoot as he is practicing his solo. He has a church performance tomorrow night! ;)

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Here of some pics of us getting eggs ready for the Easter Bunny :)
I am singing in the CHOIR at church tomorrow. YES, I said singing. I haven't sang in a Choir since high school. What I mean to say is I sing ALL the time just to my kids or in the car :) I guess I felt inspired!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

knitting hands

I have been doing a lot of knitting lately ;) I have finished several beanie hats in the last few days- All family members with little boys watch the mail for boy beanie hats :) After I finish with all boys I will work on all the girls. When I knit I find myself praying and thinking about life. I have needed to pray for a lot of family and friends lately. I wonder if this is what Nana would do while she crocheted.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oklahoma weather and other stuff...

It was beautiful yesterday. So beautiful that Violet and I busted out the sidewalk chalk and had a ball. Unfortunately, the weather changed and its freezing again. ugh.  

See, Michaela. I am still working on Logan's birthday present. Slowly but surely, it will get done!  School has been all-consuming.  This semester proves to be better than last, since I am taking a more calm, no-stress approach, and trying to balance my family and school life - mainly leaving school at school. It is a challenge though.  Eventually, I hope I can fit in normal activities like finishing birthday presents on time, sending cards for birthdays or holidays, blogging, crafting, cooking.....
These pics are from last saturday - a week ago. Yep, that is a lot of snow. Eric, Violet and I had a blast building a snowman.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Baby Conner VanWeelden was born yesterday 7 lbs 1 oz- when we got the call we thought for sure it was a joke!
Congratulations to my sister in law Lisa and the rest of the VanWeelden family! We are so excited and can't wait to see pictures. This is baby #5- this family is amazing and inspiring. I just wished we lived closer so we could help out :)