Yesterday we decided it would be a WONDERFUL idea to take Logan to his first movie! He loves movies at home, he loves to watch Ice Age 2 and we thought we would take him on a special day to the movies- Ice Age 3 in 3-D!!!

As soon as we got in he ran right to the race car video games with Dad while Mom got popcorn & soda.

Ok keeping 3-D glasses on a 2 1/2 year old is CRAZY! SO.... I worried the whole movie that he was going to go blind from watching a blurry movie!! I would try and hold the glasses on his face and sometimes that worked, but the other times he just screamed and we got shhhhed! Ok fine just watch the movie without the glasses!!! He was into it for like the first hour laughing at funny things it was adorable. Then the soda popcorn and gummi worms had ran out-he is getting restless wanting to stand, wanting to talk, wanting to move around- we are being shhhed more! Now the tantrum is growing he is beginning to get louder and he throws my earring (it was Brie's and I was really sad- we left our number but no such luck in finding it) Ok we are outta here! I take him out and we go back to the race car game. He made it almost through the whole movie but really I don't know what we were thinking!! I am proud he made it that long!

We all learned alot from this experience! We will try again next year or maybe just movies at home until he is 4!!!
Yeah...I can imagine those 3D glasses would be a challenge. I know here they offer the movies without the 3D. Jack was always scared of the LOUDNESS of it all.
Logan is getting so much hair! See you this weekend. I bet that was an experience!
Glad you tried it before I did! Thanks for the experiment! I bet he had fun though. He looks like such a big boy now!!!
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