Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Violet's fake laugh

I took a picture of Violet giving me her fake laugh. It cracks me up. On the other hand, her lack of sleeping doesn't. We switched Violet to a toddler bed since she started climbing out of her crib. She used to go to sleep so good, but now will not even touch her toddler bed except to jump on it occasionally. The night before last, she rode into our bedroom on her trike at 3 am with her Mr. Potato Head parts. She then proceeded to place them on my face, saying, "Eyes, nose, ear..." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I do have good news though; she slept through the night last night for the first time in a month. I don't know what changed. I did bribe her last night and told her I would buy her a toy from Target if she did. Maybe that worked?!
On another note, pregnancy is overrated. I am swearing off of it for good. 24 hour nausea is not fun, especially when you're a high school teacher and mother to a 2 year old. Holy Moly! I know it will all be worth it, but I need to complain: This totally stinks! Ok, I am done. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and we will get to listen to the baby's heartbeat for the first time. YAHOO! I am excited.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Mom, Bawpa and Lyla came for a visit this weekend :) They brought Logan this awesome electric Jeep!!! Oh what fun we will have with this

This helmet makes Logan look so SPECIAL :)

Max had a Home game this Saturday we beat them 20-0 GO INDIANS~

Is Lyla gonna be a future cheerleader?~ Aunt Kayla Hopes so :)

The older boys went to Dallas right after the game to meet up with my cousin Nat for a Baseball game~ woohoo!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

1st day of school FINALLY arrived!

This school year started late as they were re-building the high school. I remember starting school in Sept. back in the old days ha! This year we hope & pray that it is a good one ~Max has Mrs. Wilson (she is the teacher he wanted) for 4th grade and Zachary is taking all kinds of wonderful college prep classes this year. I can't believe Zach is in 11th grade yes a Junior um... it is hard for me to even think about~ I am so happy that we are starting a new season of life I cannot express how difficult this summer was for me. Not only did I loose a friend and sister, there were broke down cars, cars on fire, flat tires, neck surgeries and ok I won't go on because... I am looking forward TODAY~ to difficulties and blessings that this new season will bring to us. Happy Fall and WELCOME back school :)