It is October~ I LOVE fall~ especially this year~ I can not express how long this summer was for me. New things are happening:) my hair is short, Halloween decorations are up, costumes are out, football is underway, there is a chill in the air, my teenager is driving, my husband is better, my father in law is getting well, financially getting stronger, still being vegetarian, very involved in my church seeking God like never before and I still feel lost. Some days I just want to pick up the phone and call Brie ~ she would understand, she would take my side, she would give me love, she would laugh at this or that. It is so funny how people react to death (myself included) some of them expect me to "be over it" get on with life. I am trying..
so.. here is to a NEW SEASON of my life!
The hat looks great! And Logan is getting so old I can't believe it. Hang in there-I don't think there is any timetable for grief, but I hope you continue to find peace and healing bit by bit.
The hat looks great! I cannot wait to get it! I love this time of year as well, and I love that things are looking up for you and your family :) (I still cannot believe Zach is driving!). Here's to the journey of healing and finding peace. I love you, sis.
I love love love that sweet face too :)
I love that hat! Maybe when it finally cools off here J can get his out! :)
I don't think there is an "getting over it," but with time, I'm sure you will find more peace. I was pretty much in a funk for 2 years after my mom died. Even now, sometimes I think to pick up the phone and call her.
Here's to fall...
Love the hat, love that little face, love fall! I hope it's a great new season.
sweet little face! best of luck with the new season.
Love the hat. It will look so good on Tara! What a cutie Logan is! Here's to peace and healing our hearts that have been so broken!
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