Max got a HUGE 40 pound pumpkin at the pumpkin patch this year!!

Logan decided last minute to be Sponge Bob~ it was neat b/c he got to wear both costumes this year~ it was such a beautiful night~ Logan had a blast Trick or Treating he wanted to go inside every ones house though~ He kept saying "Can I go IN?" I guess he figured they were all friends as they were giving him lots of candy :)

Logan decided last minute to be Sponge Bob~ it was neat b/c he got to wear both costumes this year~ it was such a beautiful night~ Logan had a blast Trick or Treating he wanted to go inside every ones house though~ He kept saying "Can I go IN?" I guess he figured they were all friends as they were giving him lots of candy :)

This picture says it all
LOVE that last picture!!!
Those are the best Halloween pictures. That last picture does say it all! Great looking pumpkin carving. Max is getting so tall and handsome.
I am so happy they had a wonderful Halloween! Boy, Logan looks so tuckered out. So cute that he wanted to go in everyone's house ;)That pumpkin looks great too.
I love the last pic, too. What a cool HUGE pumpkin!
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