We have been trying to potty train Logan for weeks and he is really good at peeing and pooping on the potty~BUT he has to be naked form the waist down!!!! He loves to be NAKED!!! We have been letting him run around in long Max shirts~ Somehow underwear gives him license to let it go~ or he doesn't want to bother pulling them down. I tried putting just pants on (no underwear) and thought that might work~ he would feel the urge and go~ NOPE. Poor fella should be training in the summer~ It is so cold outside~ I will take any suggestions from Mommies out there who have had success. Yes I have done this before but it has been YEARS and I would love to be diaper free for 9 months :)
We are in the throes of potty training as well :) so no good advice from me. Cute picture - the best way to play chess is naked, at least that is what I always say.
Rebekah was the same way. We are still working on it. She gets a diaper at nap and bedtime and she will hold her poo in until she gets a diaper on! I wish I could just blink and they were potty trained! I want her to be diaper free before the next baby! So sorry I am still working on it also!
Good luck. No advice, they just seem to do it when they are ready! Love the nakedness. :)
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