We are home and I had the hardest few days~My Nana's funeral was just what she would have wanted (there was only mild family tension ,no drama) it turned out very good. I will miss her so much~ I cried hard not only for the loss of my sweet Nana but for all of our loss my family has gone through. It is almost too much but it is LIFE. I was also sad because I saw alot of people I will probably never see again~ We had very heavy tender hearts and I felt every emotion these past 3 days pangs of anger, uncontrollable SADNESS and lots of laughter with old friends and my family. I was happy to see my nieces they are so beautiful and special to me. It is fun to see these 3 little ones together. I am grateful for my Mom, my Dad and Lyn (what would we do without Lyn) I think it is pretty special that we can all hang out have dinner, some wine and have a great time together ~that really doesn't happen often in this world. Nana would have had a blast laughing with us last night.
After the funeral we went to try and celebrate my Max's 10th at Incredible Pizza in a bathroom stall I had to cry, pray and get myself together~ after that.... the celebrating of LIFE was on hand and I enjoyed every bit of it. Here are just some shots that I got of these wonderful kiddos in my life. "LAUGHTER AFTER TEARS IS MY FAVORITE EMOTION"
Nana would have had loved every minute. I will miss her dearly. It was a good celebration of her life. What a great life it was. Also to see everyone and then to celebrate Max's and Logan's birthdays two days in a row. What a big time it was!
Laughter After Tears....I like that. :) It was so good seeing you...and your boys. I hope we'll see each other again soon under happier circumstances.
Great pictures - our kiddos had such a great time. Violet just talked and talked about games and chucky all day! I know she had such a wonderful time with her cousins. I think celebrating birthdays, sharing funny stories about Nana, and just getting the family together with smiles and laughter was a great way to end Nana's day.
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