Logan does this funny thing I just want to document (for when he gets older ha)

When he has a drink he wants to sip it and hold someones EAR~ Anyone in the family will do but it must be an ear. I think it is our little time together like when he was breast feeding but he can hold on to any ones ear.

He sometimes sneaks up on me slowly sliding his hand to my ear. It is the funniest thing I am going to try and get pictures of him holding the other boys ears but it drives them nuts!!
Thank you all for the birthday wishes~ I am definitely older as this year I spent my birthday worrying about my health. I am waiting patiently by the phone for any news of the blood results, I may be having blood pressure problems or thyroid problems. I have no idea~ but praying that with test results I get some answers.
that is the funnest thing he likes to hold an EAR! Kids have the cutest habits sometimes.
That is hilarious. I hope you feel better soon. Waiting for health news is no fun.
That is so funny!
I hope you get to feeling better!
That is so funny! Hope the results are good, let us know.
How adorable! Logan is so cute. Thinking about you :)
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