Friday, October 8, 2010

Bath time...again

Here is another bath shot of Aurora.  She is almost 6 months (next week), which is totally baffling to me. She is making all kinds of noises, starting to really jump in her jumpythingee, and developing this jovial little attitude, always smiling and laughing.  She is just heart melting!
Violet has a little bit of a cold this week, but is just as amazing as ever.  She is getting so excited for halloween and has reported to me that she wants to be a "zombie."  Where in the heck did she learn what a zombie is???!!!! I have no idea.  Maybe at her kids day out school, but I am hoping she changes her mind before halloween.  Or maybe I can sway her towards something, but the "stubborn" force is strong with this one.


Maura said...

um. she is COMPLETELY adorable. Give her a squeeze from me!

Michaela said...

HAHAHA The stubborn FORCE!!! She could be a cute princess ZOMBIE!!! I love that bath photo of sweet Rory XXOOXXOOxxooXXOO from Auntie Kayla~

Molly said...

OMG! Total cuteness! I have never thought to turn the tub that way! What a smart idea!

bridget {bake at 350} said...

She is ADORABLE!!! Oh my goodness...I bet you could *squeeze* her all day!!!

Mom said...

Me too. She is so squeezable and fun to love.

Janice said...

she is so sweet!