Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Who wants to play a game? Thanks to my cousin Molly, I am participating in Pay it Forward - The Blog Edition. Here’s how it works: I will send handmade gifts to the first three people who leave a comment and tell me they are interested in playing. I have one more skinny scarf that I am finishing in the same cream color as the one pictured.
In order to play, you must have your own blog and you must continue to pay it forward by promising the same thing to your readers. So go ahead; leave a comment. Move this forward again. If I don’t know you, please leave your email address or some way to contact you.

Logan is eating a whole bratwurst crazy kid!! I just had to post a pic of him ;)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

summer is almost here.

This one reminds me of Michaela.

Hi everyone. Here are of few recent photos of Violet the Pilot. She is doing great. We go to the doctor next week for her 9 month check up.
I have my last week of teaching this week, and 4 more days of observation and I am done with school!!!! But I will be working hard trying to land a job this summer. If anyone knows any high school principals, give them my name :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Here is my lil herb window box. I have Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Rosemary, Hot peppers, and they accidentally gave me Stevia!! I don't know what I am going to do with Stevia but I am growing it anyway! I am so excited to use these herbs in my dinners :)
Here is my "Early Girl" tomato plant! Maybe the boys will eat tomatoes from our new lil plant!
I hope that they grow well :) I have 2 good friends ( my walking buddies) that are good at growing plants and gardens so they are helping me giving me good advise. I usually over water so... we will see

Just thought this picture was funny he has a mouth full of banana!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I was so happy to get some fresh herbs (basil, cilantro,dill and some hot peppers) I can grow at home and I got a tomato plant as well :) So here goes the apartment garden :) I am so excited!!
My Best friend and neighbor Stephanie and lil Mark came to watch Max perform :)

There was a HUGE party in downtown Ardmore Today :) Max was performing with his 2nd grade class they did a Chipmunk's song and dance and they gave out tips on how to CONSERVE they also did a couple more songs about the Earth. Max's tip was : Fill it up! Make sure the dishwasher is full before you run it!

Max climbed the rock wall reaching all the way to the top! It was a lovely day to share with my boys.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Gregg and I actually went out on a DATE yesterday! We got a babysitter for Logan and Zachary babysat Max :) We haven't been out (without one of the children) for almost a year. Max took pictures of us getting ready! It was lovely and we had a great time!
It was Gregg's Birthday yesterday he turned the big 40!! So went and had dinner at this cute lil Mexican restaurant "DOWNTOWN"! It was fun but it was a lil too quiet :)

Logan was very good, he went over and played with his best buddy Braden so he didn't even notice we were gone :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

We have ourselves a REEEEDAAAAAA


Friday, April 11, 2008

High School the Musical!!

Yesterday Abigail turned 14 and when I called I found out that she got a part in the "High School the Musical" play :) She told me which part but I have no idea what she was talking about. I am so proud of my little sister :) We can't wait to come and see the play this summer.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

long time no blog

violet and lyla

st. paddy's day

bath time with new duck tub. it quacks.

well. it has been a long time. again. i graduate on may 10. looking for jobs. applied at holland hall, cascia, booker t, edison, memorial.... just waiting to hear from someone... i have a job fair monday too....violet is a hoot. she now says dada and learned how to say water! i don't think she knows what it means, but it's adorable. she has 6 teeth now. and loves to dance! she is the joy and light of my life. i cannot wait to spend the summer as a full time mama. i miss catching up with everyone in blogsville. i hope all is well. i can't wait until summer! love you all.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Here is the cork board I am making for my MOM. We both LOVE wine and I thought this would be something cute to hang in her kitchen.
All you need to make this is alot of wine drinking and a picture frame. You can either super glue or glue gun the corks in a pattern on the frame.

It took me a little over a year to drink this wine! Is that a good thing?? I did have a lil help from my friends though :) I am almost finished just need to glue them all in place.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Waiting for the STORM

I love this picture!

We waited on the porch for a while but the BIG STORM never hit us! It rained for like 5 minutes ;)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Logan has a new trick that scares me to death. He likes to get on top of the coffee table!!! He knows how to get down by scooting off backwards. He has fallen a couple times and just sneaks back up there when I am not looking!! Sneaky monkey!

He thinks it is such a neat trick and when I say "no no Logan get down" He just cries like I just crushed all his hopes and dreams!!
Aunt Tara we are waiting for posts of Vi!!! I saw some beautiful pictures of her the other day she is getting sooo big :)