Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Logan has a new trick that scares me to death. He likes to get on top of the coffee table!!! He knows how to get down by scooting off backwards. He has fallen a couple times and just sneaks back up there when I am not looking!! Sneaky monkey!

He thinks it is such a neat trick and when I say "no no Logan get down" He just cries like I just crushed all his hopes and dreams!!
Aunt Tara we are waiting for posts of Vi!!! I saw some beautiful pictures of her the other day she is getting sooo big :)


Mom said...

Oh Loganzilla..You are getting to be quite the dare-devil. What a big boy you are! I just want to give you hugs and kisses.

Maura said...

watch out world! :) he looks cute, though, even if it is dangerous! i bet you have to keep your eyes on him all the time! :)

Janice said...

He DOES look cute up there. I'll bet his brothers get a kick out of that, too. Looks like he keeps you busy.

Shawn said...

That used to be one of Ben's favorite tricks too. He loved to jump from the coffee table! Scariest moment for me is when he did it with 4 broken bones in his foot!

Bridget said...

ACK! Why do boys like to scare their mothers?!?!? Those pictures are so cute!

Molly said...
