My Father in Law got remarried on Saturday! This is Grandpa Al and our new Grandma Maria. What a lovely couple and the wedding was just beautiful :)

Here we are and Logan is obviously not a happy camper :(

This is a better one :) I was so happy to have all my fellas dressed up in their suits! What a treat for Mommy (it is amazing what I get excited about these days ) :)

Logan and his new cousin Maya! We tried to get them to stay still for a picture but we had no such luck.

After the wedding the boys needed to blow off some steam and they played basketball for a while. Really it was a game of "Please don't hit Logan with the BALL"!!!

My Lovely sister in law Lisa came in town from California for 1 night only! She left her poor hubby at home with the 4 children and tons of soccer games! I was so happy to have her here and we had a wonderful evening with good wine and good conversation.

This is a snap of Logan mid ceremony quietly eating goldfish. After the wedding we ate the most WONDERFUL Italian food. Lots of Bread, stuffed mushrooms, pasta and a yummy white wedding cake. I will need to get back to running very soon :)
Looks like you guys had a good time. All your boys look so cute! I miss them so much. I love ya sis!
What a wonderful day and good looking boys. Little Logan is just precious in his suit. Looks like you have lost so much weight. Good luck to the new couple.
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