My Aunt Gayle had this tradition every year when I went to Houston to visit Molly and Bridget during the summer. Molly forgive me I am not sure of when your
actual Birthday is.. but I do remember your half birthday Turtle cake or was it Turtle cheesecake. Whatever it was it was good! I always thought it was so neat that they got to celebrate half Birthday's too.
Zach was jealous b/c I only recently started this tradition with Max. The main reason I started this was the year Logan was born I had just gotten out of the hospital and we didn't have a huge birthday party! So we had a half birthday in the summer!
Chocolate cake with Cherry frosting and
chocolate chips :) It was
soooo good!

Happy 1 1/2 to Loggers and Happy 8 1/2 to Mr. Max
Yay! :)
happy half b-day, logan and max.
My gosh..what a Martha Stewart you are. What good memories of 1/2 birthdays because of Aunt Gayle! What happy boys we are! Right?
happy 1/2 birthday, logan and max! This looks like fun!
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