Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lily the Leopard

Here are some pictures of Violet hugging her favorite stuffed animal Lily the Leopard. We got the toy when we visited Aunt Carol and Uncle Seth.  We toughed it out at the OKC zoo for maybe 30 minutes.  We were all dripping with sweat - it was incredibly hot. But we did get a stuffed animal at the gift shop, and it is Violet's favorite right now. This weekend we saw Abigail in her big debut High School Musical. She blew Eric and I away. She is a talented actress and we are so proud of her.  I forgot my camera for our visit, so, unfortunately, I have no pictures, but I will try to get Dad, Lyn, or Abigail to send me some and I will post them. Maybe Michaela will have some???


Bridget said...

Aren't they sweet hugging their little friends?!? I love that!

I wasnt to hear more about High School Musical! Wow, Abigail!!!

Mom said...

She is so adorable hugging her stuffed animal. But she always adorable! Hugs Violet!

Molly said...

Isn't it funny what they attach themselves to? Cute!