Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking to them
5. Leave a comment for each tagged blogger to let them know that they have been tagged
Sis, call me and we can figure out who we want to tag :)
6 quirks about Violet:
1. She has to lick her food before she decides she will eat it.
2. She has 4 different, distinct dances for when she watches Sesame Street.
3. When I walk in her room in the mornings, she is usually holding one of her ugly dolls, talking to it in her adorable, alien language, and then, once she tires of their conversation, she throws it through her crib bars.
4. She cracks up every time the dogs shake their heads when they have a stuffed animal in their mouths. As she laughs, she shakes her head. It is the funniest thing ever.
5. She has an affinity for dog food. She barely eats anything, but when the dog food is out, she is gunning for it.
6. Her favorite word is "Lyla" right now. She walks around the house saying "Lyla, Lyla, Lyla."