Thursday, December 31, 2009
2010~Happy and Healthy NEW YEAR
Friday, December 25, 2009
Home for the Holidays~White Christmas
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Aurora's first picture
Saturday, December 5, 2009
We will miss you~ Poppa Al
This year has been so hard to say the very least~ Please pray I have strength to guide my family through these times and do what I need to do to be a good wife, mother, sister and daughter. I have also been very aware of that ever elusive silver lining that glows around us even now~ I love you all ~thank you for your support and your continued prayers~
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
thankful for family time
My Father in Love Al Flynn had a health scare this last Tuesday. He has congestive heart failure and was already in the hospital when he had a heart attack. He was in ICU and on a ventilator and not expected to live. In fact the doctor said it would be a “miracle” if he survived. So at 4:30a I was up trying to get a flight for my sister and brother in law to get out here from California. They quickly packed up 5 children and sent 4 of them to their in laws and got on the flight with just baby Connor, they arrived at 6p I quickly drove them to the Hospital in Durant Ok~ I thought this would be the last time she would see her Dad and there is no feeling like that feeling. I sent the prayer chains out and then that was all we could do was PRAY.PRAY.PRAY. The power of Prayer and a stubborn father in law is amazing. Slowly we would get movement, then a hand squeeze, then he was looking at you and nodding! He could hear us~ wonderful~ then a couple days later.. that stubborn man pulled out the ventilator tube~ he is breathing on his own!!! We were thinking a funeral and this man is pulling out of it! Al’s sister and brother drove out from South Carolina and they were watching over him for days then Aunt Pat (Al’s sister) went into the same hospital with pneumonia and blood pressure problems!! So we have 2 family members in the same hospital just down the hall from one another. What a week! I am so grateful to spend time with my sister Lisa and brother Scott they are some of the best, kind, loving people I have ever met. We had good talks driving everyday to and from the Hospital. I got my baby fix with wonderful mister Connor and my girl time fix with Lisa. We have a lot to be Thankful for this season~ This year THANKSGIVING will just be me and my boys. I am getting a ham for them and a tofurkey for me.
Happy Thanksgiving and keep praying
Friday, November 20, 2009
Fairies with mustaches
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Brianna's Birthday

Violet did not want Aunt Kayla to take her picture~ she was too busy for photos!!