Zachary won an award last night Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Certificate of OUTSTANDING Academic Performance We are so PROUD of him :) Of course my camera was blinking and didn't get the picture of him shaking hands with the principal.
Chives and Cherry Tomato's are growing very well despite all the thunderstorms!
Pretty flowers the boys bought me as an early Mother's day :) Wow I can't believe I grew these from seeds! I am so proud of my plants and my children everything is growing so nicely.
OOOh these are vining flowers!! I had to re-pot them and now I have a wire stand that they can grow up. Hope all you Mommies out there have a wonderful day on Sunday :)
Congratulations, Zach!!! I am so impressed.
Michaela, your plants are growing so nicely - I am jealous- I do not have a green thumb.
Wow! Congratulations, Zachary!!!
Happy Mother's day to you, Michaela!
Happy Mother's Day Michaela!
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