Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We'll meet again....donno where donno when

but I know we'll meet again some sunny day!!!!!

There has been LOTS of death for my family this past year~ My Nana died yesterday and I suppose it was a relief to my soul~ I have been praying for her non stop for weeks. I celebrate her long life and pray that my life will be long like hers. I want to see my grandchildren grow up and meet my great grandchildren. She has been so sick for so long and I know there is a special place in Heaven for a woman like her. I have written a story of her the other day that my bro in law Eric will illustrate. It says it all~ she is so missed.


bridget {bake at 350} said...

I can't wait to see that story, Michaela. ♥

Mom said...

There is a special place in heaven for Nana. She was a wonderful lady. She will dearly be missed.

Tara said...

I cannot wait to get our stories together for our Nana McKee memory book. I miss her so much, but I am so thankful she was in my life. Great post, Michaela.

Maura said...

me too, Michaela - the book sounds cool.

Molly said...

That books sounds cool!