I love these pictures. Aurora will one day kill me for posting naked photos, but I had to show you guys her birthmark above her bum! She has one on the back of her neck too.
Big sister helping mommy give Aurora her first bath (This was taken a few weeks ago).
Aurora's first bath picture
So, I came down with mastitis this weekend. I am going to quit breast feeding. I feel incredibly guilty about it, but I literally have woken up every morning with clogged milk ducts and pain for the past 5 days, and then add, a fever and chills to it due to the infection. YUK!!! Breast feeding and me do not get along. The same thing happened with Violet, but I lasted 4 months with her, but I cannot be a good mommy and take care of my two girls with this much pain. It is too much. So I will be weaning over the next month. I am, however, looking forward to the freedom of not being chained to nursing and pumping. I think it will be liberating -- not to mention that I will get more than 3 hours of sleep!
They are SO adorable. Thanks for posting all the sweet pics! I hope you start feeling better soon - that sounds like it HURTS.
Such great photos! I hope you feel better soon. You are such a wonderful Mom so don't feel guilty!
the faster you quit breastfeeding the faster you can come see us on the farm~ I love these photos such sweet girls ;)
Love these pictures!
Don't feel guilty...and don't let anyone else make you feel guilty! breastfeeding didn't work for us, either....maybe b/c J was a preemie. I felt so guilty every time I picked up a parenting magazine. You're a wonderful mom no matter how you do it!
She is adorable. Does that birthmark kind of look like a faint heart? I hated every minute of breastfeeding!!! Mastitis is the worst! Hope you feel better soon.
I just found your blog while searching Google for pictures of birthmarks!
My 6 year old daughter has 2 - one on the nape of her neck and one above her bottom - like Aurora!
They are called Stork Bites, or Angel Kisses.
Kerry. xxx
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