I have lost 30 pounds! I secretly weighed myself at my father in laws house yesterday (as I don't have a scale in my house) it was hard to keep my excitement to myself. So here is a picture of me today and hopefully in another 6 months I will have lost another 30 pounds!! I still have
alot of work to do :) I am back to running only like a mile a day and I try to wake up early before it gets too hot!

Here are pictures of our "Early Girl" tomato plant we have counted seven so far :) We can't wait for some fresh tomatoes :)

Here are my herbs they are growing so fast! Does anyone have suggestions on trimming and drying these wild things? All tips will be appreciated :)

Finally here are my flowers and parsley! They were much more beautiful before this harsh storm the other day :)
Michaela - that is so awesome. You look great and should be so proud of all the work that you've done - 30 pounds is a huge accomplishment. That is really inspiring! And I love your garden. I am so jealous of the tomato plant esp. We have so many squirrels in my apt. complex that I'm afraid they would never make it.
You go girl! I am so proud of you. You look absolutely beautiful! I cannot wait to see you. Keep up all the hard work- I know it is not easy...You are definitely inspiring me to get myself back in shape. I am in it with you to loose 20 -30 pounds in the next six months.
Michaela!!! You rock! I am so impressed! You have lost 30 boxes of butter...can you imagine carrying those around with you all of the time?!? You don't look like you have 30 more to lose...you look great! :)
Your garden is looking wonderful....much more fruitful than our right now. Must be that Oklahoma weather.
Good for you! What a great accomplishment! I love container gardens-they are a source of food and a decoration too!
30 pounds! That is so impressive and inspiring! You look great.
About the herbs.....USE them. The more you cut them the more they will grow. I always hesitated because they look so pretty. But they really do grow back.
Michaela...just read in my Martha :) today about drying herbs. Gather with a rubber band and hang upside down to dry.
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