My Poppa is in the hospital and he is dying. He has had a great life and has been a huge part in my life ("aaaaaccentuate the positive, eeeeeliminate the negative" is an old song I have had running through my mind for the past 2 days) he was always so happy!! I talk about him in the past tense because he hasn't been present in his mind for several years. This has been hard to watch old age & dementia. How we turn from being a grown man back to an infant. I can't bear to drive up to Tulsa to see him in the sick state that he is in at the moment. I am going to remember the last time I saw him when he delirious and still laughing. He talked about my Nana and He talked about the Navy, the fisherman's handshake (bite , bite swim away) and was just happy to be sitting in the middle of the room watching all his children, grand children and great grandchildren. All of us talking loudly, drinking wine and eating lots of food. I just pray that he passes with out pain and very soon as I know this is so hard on my Mom. I love you Mom, you are such a good daughter and he loves you very much!
I can't find any good pictures of my Poppa but I would love to have one of him in his Navy uniform or one with him and my Nana as I know(in my mind) she is waiting for him in Heaven :)
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What sweet memories of poppa. It has been a hard few days. Violet and I went to visit him the other day, and he is not doing very good. I told him some stories about his airplane and golfing. He tried to open his eyes, but couldn't. I love poppa so much. It is very sad to see him like this. I will take your advice, and focus on the happier memories during this time. I love you.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. I know I've told you both about the "feed it to the cats" ice cream memory I have of Poppa True. I truly love that story. I also remember one time, he and your Nana flew through Houston when I was young and we met them at the airport. They took me to the gift shop and bought me a necklace with a pear pendant on it (jewelry!!!) and one of those magic pen books. I thought that was THE coolest thing! I from the airport gift shop...that was such a treat! What generous and thoughtful people your Nana & Poppa were to us. I treasure those memories.
I'm thinking of you guys, and your poppa. Give your mom a hug from me!
I spent the night several times with your Aunt Jeannie when I was like 12 and 13 years old. Your Poppa True would always come in and tell bedtime stories! I didn't even know the concept of bedtime stories and tucking someone in...that wasn't done in the McKee household, but Poppa True was the best at that! Nana True always made special hot chocolate too! And that woman could sew! Poppa True was also so generous-especially at The Oaks!
The memory that sticks with me the most was Jeannie having a brand new pair of tennis shoes and they hurt her feet. Instead of returning them, he took us and bought her another brand new pair! Oh my gosh, I couldn't believe it-they were so rich they didn't have to return! I love hearing stories from everyone because you don't know sometimes how different people touch your lives.
I send my thoughts and prayers to all of you. I hope your mom is holding up, tell her I love her!
Here are some of my memories...what a happy positive man. A true (haha) self made man. He dropped out of high school to go to the Navy and work. They lived in the garage while they built their house. He knew shorthand! Can you believe that? Loved, loved taking pictures. It seemed that everytime I saw him that he and a new smaller camera. I would love to have some of those pictures too. He made all of his money himself through hard work and good business sense. I really admire people that can do that. It seems that now days you see very little of that. Our society is a give it to me society. I think we could all learn from his generation...which by the way Aunt Mary told me that he is 92! He has seen it all. Grew up during the most amazing time in history. He was a great story teller too. Even while he is sick in the hospital he is still very, very sweet and caring. He says thank you for everything and no thank you too. Goodness like that you just don't lose even when you are sick. I love him and will miss him too. He will be in heaven with Dad and G-ma too. Thank you gals for letting me post here too. Kim
Thank you to everyone for posting. I love hearing all of peoples great memories of my Poppa!
I remember him playing skin-the-cat, building a pillow wall in the bed when I spent the night with him so I wouldn't kick him in the night, the chinaman story, rock-a-bye baby in the airplane, and the new york city and "new jaaaawwwsey" story. I remember these pirate treasure maps he would make out of a paper bag. He would wrinkle it up and draw a map to some AWESOME treasure in the backyard of his house in Florida. Those were the best. There was this scary, laughing Indian head that he would hide for me because it frightened me. He always created a sense of wonder and fun, and he truly made my childhood a special one. These posts conjured a lot of memories for me, and I wanted to share them.
sorry about your Poppa. I'm thinking of him and of all you guys. This was a nice post. hugs!!!!!!
james(santa cruz)said he recalls that Max always had a sparkle in his eye & a spring in his vicki mentiond no wonder he is such a ladies' man! Cindy Lauper has a song @ the "True colors come shining through..." thats why we love you, thats why we love you........................
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