Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I cannot explain the pangs of emotion that happen to me every morning when I wake up. For a moment I feel incredibly sad, mad, lost and on and on. SO then.. I pray, then.. I get up and make coffee. Today I am making a moment by taking pictures of my guys sleeping.

I love taking Zach's picture while he is sleeping that way there isn't a tounge hanging out :)-

These two guys got up early with me so they kindly posed for the shots :)

Good Morning-
Gregg is having surgery on his spine again in mid June. They wanted to do it on the 1st but with no car (in process of being repaired) and just getting through the loss of my sister- I couldn't stand to have it that early maybe in a couple weeks I will be able to handle that stress and maybe I will have a car!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A few of her favorite things

Lately I don't know what to do with myself so...I have cooked and I am wearing gobs of my sister's jewelry. Yesterday, I slept alot and felt sorry for myself almost like if I laughed or enjoyed anything I would feel guilty (she wouldn't have wanted me to live this way). Today, I awoke to a different attitude. I made some food that we made together the last time I saw her. She told me these were her favorite. Thank you to the Two Curly Tops who gave me these recipes- first was the Vegetable Lasagna (sorry didn't get pictures) but we made it together, it was funny and it was delish.
Then, I made the caramel brownies they were a huge hit so much so she went home and made them for Mom and Tara and it may have actually been the first dessert she had ever baked. So, today with a breathe of life and a realization that it is OK to laugh and she would want me too-- I made this food and I drink cheap wine.

This also helped me today:

APPROACH EACH NEW DAY with desire to find Me. Before you get out of bed, I have already been working to prepare the path that will get you through this day. There are hidden treasures strategically placed along the way. Some of the treasures are trials, designed to shake you free from earthly-shackles. Others are blessings that reveal My Presence: sunshine, flowers, birds, friendships, answered prayer. I have not abandoned this sin wracked world ; I am still richly present in it.

Colossians 2:2-3

We miss you Brie

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

beautiful, beautiful

beautiful, girl.  Mom wanted me to post these pictures of Brie. They are wonderful memories and they make it hard to breathe. She was so happy this past Christmas Eve and these pictures exude her love for Lyla.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our lives have changed

These cousins thought they were at a giant party for them!! They laughed, ran and played - just had a wonderful time.

I couldn't keep the beans post up any longer! We are devastated about the loss of our baby sister Brianna. She was 26, she was kind and loving. I am grateful for the week I spent with her and Lyla in March. I was happy to cook with her and shop with her and be mommies with her. My sister Brie died of a drug overdose- we will find out what exactly in 10-12 weeks. Her funeral was beautiful, her body was beautiful (I needed to see her and I am glad I did) , her daughter is beautiful. I miss her so much and can't stop crying- I am physically sick. Just keep us in your prayers-

Monday, May 11, 2009

beans beans the magical fruit

It is raining AGAIN, our car got caught in a flash flood on the way home from church yesterday ARRGGH! My Mother's day was interesting to say the least! So.... as I made my crock pot of beans for dinner today I couldn't get this song my Nana and Papa McKee would sing to me out of my head! "BEANS BEANS THE MAGICAL FRUIT THE MORE YOU EAT THE MORE YOU TOOT THE MORE YOU TOOT THE BETTER YOU FEEL SO HAVE BEANS AT EVERY MEAL" I think they were trying to get me to eat beans which I absolutely wouldn't!!

I thank God that I have boys- THEY LOVE THIS SONG and gladly sing it at the dinner table when we have this meal :). They also love eating beans and don't mind having it at least once a week. Being Vegetarian (yes still going strong and feeling great) has forced us to eat alot of beans and this has made for a noisy tooting household teehee!

Friday, May 8, 2009

look how my garden grows

Zachary won an award last night

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Certificate of OUTSTANDING Academic Performance
We are so PROUD of him :) Of course my camera was blinking and didn't get the picture of him shaking hands with the principal.

Chives and Cherry Tomato's are growing very well despite all the thunderstorms!

Pretty flowers the boys bought me as an early Mother's day :)

Wow I can't believe I grew these from seeds! I am so proud of my plants and my children everything is growing so nicely.

OOOh these are vining flowers!! I had to re-pot them and now I have a wire stand that they can grow up. Hope all you Mommies out there have a wonderful day on Sunday :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

rainy day cooking

These were SO good I used a Red Quinoa and Black Bean Salsa on top of baked tortilla chips with just a little sprinkle of cheese. I have been baking my own chips lately and they are wonderful for nachos! Thanks Steph for the recipe :)
1/2 c cooked Quinoa
4 tsp fresh lime juice
1/4 tsp ground cumin
1/4 ground coriander
1 TBSP Cilantro (I usually add more)
2 TBSP red onion or green scallions (whatever you have on hand)
1 medium diced tomato
1/2 c red bell pepper diced
2 tsp minced green chilies
salt and pepper to taste

This is a recipe Gregg and I made up so it changes every time we make it :)
use 10-20 jalapenos cut them in half and take the seeds out or you could leave some in for some heat :)
1 pkg low fat or fat free cream cheese (room temperature)
3-4 TBSP favorite salsa
1/4 cup finely grated cheese we have used cheddar and colby jack
mix all together until creamy then stuff peppers bake in the oven 375 and bake for15 min or until tops are browned. I can usually SMELL when things are done :)

I made these Key Lime Bars and gave them to our new neighbors and some old neighbors yesterday. I am glad I gave them away or I would have eaten too many :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo

Today Gregg and I are cooking some stuffed jalapenos :) and tonight we are having Mexican beans with home baked tortilla chips. I love my crock pot and use it all the time- it makes me happy to smell dinner cooking all day :)

I had to add this sweet pic of Logan :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009