Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Tree for Brie

I have been looking for months for just the right Tree to plant in a space I can make to remember my beautiful sister. First I was going to get a Weeping Willow (I love them and we played under them as kids) but they take over & grow HUGE. So then I thought what about a Cherry tree something that produces a fruit and cherries are sort of a girl fruit right?!?.
Well my friend at work showed me the PERFECT TREE to plant next spring. This is a Weeping Cherry Snow Fountain it doesn't get very big and it is dainty and girlie. It will be the perfect tree to honor my beautiful baby sister who I miss so much.


Maura said...

that looks like a beautiful choice!

Tara said...

How cool! I love it and think it is perfect for our lil' sis.

Mom said...

I love it. I may plant one too.

bridget {bake at 350} said...
