Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Teaching and Violet

wow. it's been a long time. teaching is great. I just started a new unit on individuality using the help of Dead Poets Society to help teach poems by Whitman, Frost, and Dickinson. I am also using The Cure song "Jumping Someone Else's Train" to teach Gwendolyn Brooks poem "We Real Cool." And then I am going to have my students read "The Yellow Wallpaper." It should be a fun unit. The last few weeks we have been hard. I had a student pass away in a car accident. It was incredibly sad and really shook my world. But the students are doing better and so am I. On the up side of things I have a student on American Idol. So root for Alaina.

Violet is GREAT. She is starting to creep, throw temper tantrums, cries ma ma ma when she is upset, and says da da da da when she is happy (seriously.. what is that all about!! ha ha). She can sit up by herself, and she is in the process of getting her third tooth! She cracks me up all the time. She loves making me laugh. Enjoy the pictures. I hope everyone is well. I miss the blog world... but interning, school stuff, and a very curious 7 month old is keeping me so busy.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gettin' AROUND

It is so funny to have Logan walking everywhere. He so enjoys following his big brothers when they are home! He thinks he is one of the big guys :) I am sad though I feel like he has turned into a lil boy. He is also so happy to go to the nursery at church. He doesn't cry anymore and miss me like he used too. He is like "Bye Mom, I am playing leave me alone".

Aunt Tara I am almost done! I had some knitting mishaps but we are back in business and I am almost finished. I love this scarf it is turning out better than I expected :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Here is Max with his final Birthday present! There were some shipping problems but he finally got it yesterday :)

Nothing like celebrating a Birthday for several weeks :) He is convinced he is a Rock Star already! WE are enjoying the twangs and weird amp sounds he is making in his room.
P.S. Happy Valentines to everyone! We love you :)

Monday, February 11, 2008


My new Mantra is " In, Around, Through and OFF" I repeat this over and over all day long!!

Well I got this book for Christmas (it has lots of cool patterns for leg warmers Tara! And other things like bags, hats, blankets and such)and I have taken up the art of knitting! I know Nana taught me a long time ago but I have slept since then. When she came in town I made her sit down and give me some knitting and crochet techniques! Well I just made this long skinny scarf this weekend! I love the yarn I got called "I love this yarn" It made such pretty bands of colors :) Anyway this is my first attempt ! So once I figure out more I will do a tutorial like you suggested Molly :) Ok so any tips from fellow knitters out there would be welcome!! I am HOOKED and knitted as much as I could while Logan was napping!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Great 8 SKATE

Neena and Bawpa came to help with Max's Birthday Party :) I really thought only a few kids were coming because only 1 RSVP-ed this year so I prepared Max for a low turn out!! Well I was WRONG :)
I can't believe he is 8!!

Everyone surrounded Max and other Birthday guests and sang Happy Birthday then they did the Hookey Pookey!

We actually had 11 kids show up this year! I really think this made up for the weak Birthday we had last year!!

Zach's Best Buddy Colton came along :) They wouldn't skate though (they are too cool)!

I am glad I decided to make a huge sheet cake!! Chocolate with chocolate icing yumm it was good :)

Logan was so happy to have MORE cake!!

I think he looks so old and handsome :)

Well a GREAT time was had by all who attended this party! Well I think I need to prepare the boys to get my Birthday plans in order for MARCH teehee!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday BABY!!!

All the neighbor hood kids came over to share in the cupcake goodness!

Max and Mark

I tried to take a picture of the snow
Logan and his best buddy BRADEN!

Well what a special day we had yesterday. It even snowed a little like it did the day Logan was born. I can't believe he is a year old already! Logan took his first steps to Daddy the day before his Birthday! Now he is a toddler! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BABY!!!!!