Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010~Happy and Healthy NEW YEAR

Alot of changes happened this year~ A LOT OF LOSS~ but then again I have to think I have been so blessed with so many death free years in my life. I mean it happens right? Everyday people die ~this is life~so too are many beautiful babies being born into this world.

So here we are looking to the future~ praying for Health and Happiness to all the people I know. I am thankful that I see the good in these hard times, we have lots to look forward to this year...... My sweet sister is giving us another beautiful little girl. My boys are growing into wonderful young men they are so happy and so good~ I am very blessed. We are looking forward to buying or building a house this year.

Tonight we will drink Champagne and toast to all the friends and family we have lost in 2009 and look forward to 2010 with hope~

Friday, December 25, 2009

Home for the Holidays~White Christmas

Merry Christmas EVERYONE :) First, I would LOVE to Thank my Mom for THIS Gift~ It is the best coffee maker EVER~I was not sure if I would like this machine at first~ it is so fancy and I like my old coffee pot~ there are individual coffee things you put in the machine~ change is not easy for me sometimes but Oh boy this is fancy and wonderful~ each cup of coffee is so delish I am in LOVE with this coffee machine!! I wake up and just get so excited to have such a good cup of coffee~
We were up at 7:30 a nice time to wake up for Christmas :)

The boys got everything they could have dreamed of and MORE~Thank you to my Dad and Lyn who gave the boys just what they wanted :)

I am THANKFUL we are able to stay home this Christmas~ so much has been going on in our lives and I just wanted to make everything EASY this year. While I was planning a small family dinner, Christmas Eve church festivities, light touring and a Christmas at home~ NO TRAVELING~(not that I don't want to see everyone but we are always the traveling party) it decided to SNOW~ it snowed and snowed and snowed~ We are snowed in :) What a WONDERFUL WHITE CHRISTMAS!!
Merry Christmas ~ we are praying for a healthy and happy 2010!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Violet and Lyla got to see Santa today.  I was too lazy to scan the picture, so I literally just took a picture of the picture.  Sorry for the poor quality, but after 4 or 5 hours of finishing up my Christmas shopping, scanning just seems too hard.  Violet was so ready to ask Santa for candy for her Christmas present, but she was a little shy.  After her picture, she yelled to Santa, "Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!" That was so adorable.  Now, the family and I are going to curl up and watch one of my favorite holiday movies, Elf.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Logan and Max love the packaging we get this time of year~popcorn filling, pop wrapping and BOXES!!!

Thanks to Grandma Lyn we had HOURS of fun with the box!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Aurora's first picture

We are having another baby girl!! After many discussions, we have finally decided on Aurora Brielle Waugh for her name. I think we will call her Rory or Rora for a nickname. At first, we were worried that Aurora Waugh was a mouthful, and it kind of is, but at the same time, I think it works. I just love the name Aurora, and I couldn't pass it up. I hope you love the name as much as we do!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

We will miss you~ Poppa Al

My Father in Love Al Flynn died last night in the physical therapy hospital about 1 am of heart complications they could not save him this time~ we were sort of in shock as we saw him Sunday and He was doing really good. I kept thinking this guy is so stubborn he is gonna pull out of this...We are truly grateful for the weeks we got to spend with him before his passing we got to talk and show him how much he was loved. He was a great guy who raised 2 great kids~ who I love dearly.
This year has been so hard to say the very least~ Please pray I have strength to guide my family through these times and do what I need to do to be a good wife, mother, sister and daughter. I have also been very aware of that ever elusive silver lining that glows around us even now~ I love you all ~thank you for your support and your continued prayers~

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

thankful for family time

My Father in Love Al Flynn had a health scare this last Tuesday. He has congestive heart failure and was already in the hospital when he had a heart attack. He was in ICU and on a ventilator and not expected to live. In fact the doctor said it would be a “miracle” if he survived. So at 4:30a I was up trying to get a flight for my sister and brother in law to get out here from California. They quickly packed up 5 children and sent 4 of them to their in laws and got on the flight with just baby Connor, they arrived at 6p I quickly drove them to the Hospital in Durant Ok~ I thought this would be the last time she would see her Dad and there is no feeling like that feeling. I sent the prayer chains out and then that was all we could do was PRAY.PRAY.PRAY. The power of Prayer and a stubborn father in law is amazing. Slowly we would get movement, then a hand squeeze, then he was looking at you and nodding! He could hear us~ wonderful~ then a couple days later.. that stubborn man pulled out the ventilator tube~ he is breathing on his own!!! We were thinking a funeral and this man is pulling out of it! Al’s sister and brother drove out from South Carolina and they were watching over him for days then Aunt Pat (Al’s sister) went into the same hospital with pneumonia and blood pressure problems!! So we have 2 family members in the same hospital just down the hall from one another. What a week! I am so grateful to spend time with my sister Lisa and brother Scott they are some of the best, kind, loving people I have ever met. We had good talks driving everyday to and from the Hospital. I got my baby fix with wonderful mister Connor and my girl time fix with Lisa. We have a lot to be Thankful for this season~ This year THANKSGIVING will just be me and my boys. I am getting a ham for them and a tofurkey for me.

Happy Thanksgiving and keep praying

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fairies with mustaches

The girls dressed up as fairies the other day and then gave themselves watercolor mustaches. They thought they were pretty silly.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


It has finally happened........ I own a new to me "Mini Van" & I couldn't be more thrilled. We bought it from a woman at our church it has low miles and was well taken care of~ I can finally live in a VAN down by the river haha!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Brianna's Birthday

This was a weird day for all of us~ we decided to meet in OKC at Chuck E Cheese to let the kids play together. It reminded us of a story when Brie was little~ Not sure how old she was but she was little maybe 4 or 5 Mom had a huge party for her at Chuck E Cheese there were lots of little friends (Mom your were always so good at having HUGE parties with sooooooo many little ones) and we finally got everyone loaded in the car and realized we left Brie inside!!! She was playing in the ball pit.
Lyla melted my heart when she called my name~ she is such a happy baby just like her Momma~

Violet did not want Aunt Kayla to take her picture~ she was too busy for photos!!

We did not leave any children behind this year at Chuck E Cheese teehee! We went to visit Reba's house and let the kids play there for a couple hours~They had a blast! I got to show off my NEW TO ME Mini Van (pictures coming soon)~It's Official I am Domesticated~
Happy Birthday to you Brie we miss you terribly~

Thursday, November 5, 2009

More Halloween Pictures

Here are our Halloween pictures. Violet is, of course, the Little Mermaid, and Lyla loo is Snow White.  They had such a wonderful time with their first real trick or treating experience. Violet was so in to Halloween this year. It made my heart soar :) Abigail and Lyn came down from Bartlesville which made Violet's day.  We also went to the Boo Ha Ha on Brookside earlier that day. At the parade, people from the floats were throwing candy at all the kids, so Violet thought it would be a good idea to throw her candy at them. It cracked me up!
** I have no idea why the text is so messed up, but I am too tired to fix it :) Sorry guys!