Friday, April 17, 2009

Birthday smash

Yesterday was Gregg's Birthday! I spent all day in the kitchen preparing his favorite cherry pie. Even at our wedding he requested cherry pie instead of groom's cake. I also baked a cake for the kids and friends coming over, this would leave most the pie for Gregg.

Shortly after I took these pictures Logan quietly went into the kitchen and dropped the cherry pie on the floor!! We saved some of it, luckily I had just mopped earlier in the day. He is having cherry pie with no top crust :( HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!


bridget {bake at 350} said...

Oh no! Happy birthday to Gregg! I bet your house smells so amazing after baking that cherry pie!

Tara said...

Poor pie!!! I bet it was still tasty! Happy b-day, Gregg! I hope you had a great one!

Shawn said...

I make a pie about every other day now...that is what Nana enjoys best about life these days. I don't think I could top that good looking cherry one-glad you got a picture of it before it dropped!

Molly said...

Wow that looks delicious! I bet it still tasted great after the floor!
Happy b-day Gregg!

Mom said...

Oh No! What a perfect pie and cake. Well, I hope it was a happy birthday Gregg! OLD MAN!