Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer Pictures

Smiley Logan :)

Zachary has been getting up at 6 am every morning for Football practice. They are working him so hard the first day he puked after they did gut busters!!

Zach brought Max a toy R.J. (Over the Hedge) from Tulsa! It was from a CRANE MACHINE!

I think Logan is teething. He puts everything in his mouth and likes the teething ring when it is cold!!

OOPs Max keeps knocking over the chair!!


Tara said...

holy schnikes! You have the cutests boys ever. I hope they are enjoying their summer ;) Looks like they are.

Shawn said...

Zach, your cousin Ben will teach you the finer art of puking...he has puked so many times, so many places! My favorite was during a swim meet and after finishing the race, he immediately hopped out of the pool and puked in the trashcan! His puking tendencies are legendary in Indiana!

Mom said...

You do have the cutest boys ever! Proud of Zach being so touch and playing football. Hope you enjoy it, after all the hard work! Max..woops! You have fun...I hope to see you boys soon! Cute little Logan is so cute smiling. I want to hug you all! Love Neena

Bridget said...

Cute pictures!!! Love the smiley Logan!

Maura said...

I love Logan smiling, too. They are all so cute!

Kim said...

I love the boys' personalities!!!! How special, fun, and unique!