Thursday, October 2, 2008


Logan and Braden are hanging out in their fall colors :) Braden looks so much older but he is only a couple months older than Logan. We got all the Halloween Decorations out and we are ready :) I love this time of year there is a coolness in the air. Max's football games (pictures soon) are every Tuesday and Thursday!

Gregg's issue is much more serious than we expected. He is NOW wearing a neck brace, they found that his neck vertebrae is crushing his spinal cord. His spinal cord is very bruised and he needs up to 3 operations on his neck to fix this problem! The Doctor explained that this is very serious and he NEEDS to wear the neck brace 24/7 or he could hurt his neck and be paralyzed. Needless to say he is not a happy camper! So for Halloween WE are going to shave his head and he will be DARTH VADER (In Return of the Jedi) and maybe Logan and Max will be a lil Jedi's - we have lots of Light Sabers around this house.


Mom said...

Gregg, you would be a great Darth Vader. Hope you feel good soon. What a long ordeal for you.
Tose boys are too cute.

Molly said...

The boys look like they are having fun together!!!
Hope Gregg feels better soon. I know he must be uncomfortable!