Friday, July 13, 2007

Rolie Polie

Logan rolled over twice yesterday!! And both times I was in the kitchen cooking dinner but Gregg and the boys watched him and cheered him on!! Well lil Logan has work to do today Mom needs to see this trick!!


Tara said...

congratulations, Logan!!! I still can't believe how fast he is growing! He is just too cute.

Maura said...

Michaela he is A DOLL. I love his little face and expressions!!!

Michaela said...

I did get to see him roll over just NOW! He looked so shocked!!

Mom said...

Yeah Logan! Cute Rolly Poly he is!
I know, it always shocks them...

Bridget said...

Yay, Logan!!! What a big boy!!!

Molly said...

wow! sounds like y'all are having some great days!