Sunday, July 8, 2007

We are sick :(

After a few days of sneezing I was trying to decide if I had a cold or allergies!! Well it is official both me and Logan have a wicked summer cold!! He didn't sleep at all last night because he kept sneezing and then he couldn't breathe so I would have to suck out his nose! ugh!! Any advise from the medical professionals in my family? Can you see the snot running down his nose!! I think we are starting to get better though. So far it is just me and Logan with this yukkyness!!


Maura said...

poor bug. I hope you and Logan start feeling better. Sick babies make me so sad! Poor thing!

Molly said...

Yuk. That is no fun! No sleep on top of it all makes it worse! Hope y'all feel better soon!

Shawn said...

Vaporizer! That usually helps a bit. Dr. Emily is on call today, went in at 5:45 this morning and will get off at 1:00 (if she is lucky) tomorrow afternoon. I'll tell her that sweet Logan-and his mommy are under the weather!

Tara said...

Sorry to hear you guys are sick. No fun!!! Hope you are feeling better!!!

Mom said...

Shawn is right.. Get a Vaporizer going. It is amazing how much that helps...Plus some love and kisses from Us.