Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I cannot explain the pangs of emotion that happen to me every morning when I wake up. For a moment I feel incredibly sad, mad, lost and on and on. SO then.. I pray, then.. I get up and make coffee. Today I am making a moment by taking pictures of my guys sleeping.

I love taking Zach's picture while he is sleeping that way there isn't a tounge hanging out :)-

These two guys got up early with me so they kindly posed for the shots :)

Good Morning-
Gregg is having surgery on his spine again in mid June. They wanted to do it on the 1st but with no car (in process of being repaired) and just getting through the loss of my sister- I couldn't stand to have it that early maybe in a couple weeks I will be able to handle that stress and maybe I will have a car!


Mary said...

I pray that you have peace daily. Keep praying because only Jesus can get you through this. If you need anything or just want to talk please let me know.


Maura said...

hang in there, Michaela. Loss is the worst. I'm thinking of you.

Molly said...

I like the sleeping pictures! Those look peaceful to me!

Erica said...

So sorry about your sister. We'll be praying for you and your family.