Thursday, February 5, 2009


Max was feeling better after lying in his room playing video games all day on Tuesday! So he was up for some cake after his favorite dinner of chicken strips and french fries.

I can't believe he is 9- seems like not too long ago he was toddling around like Logan.

Today I am bringing cupcakes to the class they match the cake we had on Tuesday- Chocolate cake and cream cheese icing yum! Then Saturday we are going to the movies :)

Logan just thought we were celebrating his birthday again. He didn't want Max opening any presents without him- thank goodness some of the packages were late and they had his gifts in the box too!! We got Max a bike (pictures soon) and Logan thought it was his, it was so funny to watch.

Happy Birthday babies :)


Bridget said...

Happy Birthday, Max! That cake looks so yummy!

Molly said...

Glad you are feeling better! Cute little guys! I want some cake too!

Tara said...

Max, I hope you had a magical birthday. I wish I was there...and that cake does look delicious. Take pictures of that bike and have fun with it!

Mom said...

Wow...Happy Birthday Max. That cake looks so good, we want a piece please!!!!!!!!!!I hope you are having a great week, and ride that bike and be so careful! Love you and we will see you soon!